Kitchen Cabinet Painting

Kitchen cabinet or cupboard) painting is a great way to transform your kitchen into something more modern and something you can be proud of. It is also a time consuming, tedious process that we reccomend you leave to professionals.

We begin by making a plan. We'll discuss your plans, hopes and expectations and turn them into reality. For instance, do you want the insides done? (usually not). Are you changing hardware? If so, we may need to fill holes if the dimensions aren't the same. When the planning phase is complete, we will begin the transformation.

On the first work day, we will disassemble your cabinet doors and drawers. We will DEEP clean the remaining faces by scrubbing and scraping until they are free of any impurity that will prevent proper adhesion. In most cases, we are able to prime with an oil based primer on that first day.

Your doors and drawers will then be taken to our shop where they are given the same rigorous cleaning. The doors are often caulked so no seams are exposed. They are then given a light sanding to support adhesion and cleaned again prior to priming with an oil-based primer. Once primed, they are sanded and cleaned again to ensure the final finish will be free of any sort of defect or orange peel (that's a light texture). If you are getting different hardware, those old holes will be filled and new one drilled during this phase.

When we deem your doors and drawers are ready for paint, they are then SPRAYED with two coats of a super-high quality paint that we have found is superb as a kitchen cabinet paint. In between coats, we will carefully inspect them before proceeding with the final coat. This means that any and all imprfections are corrected before they arrive for installation.

During this period, we will also return to your home to apply a minimum of two coats of paint on your cabinet faces so that they are ready for the doors and drawers to be installed when they are complete.

When your doors and drawers are ready (usually on the fourth day), we will return to begin the re-installation. We'll make sure your doors are all straight and working properly. We also install new felt bumpers to be sure they are quiet and not "slapping" the new paint. We will do a final inspection to ensure your cabinets are free of any defects and working as they should.

If you have any questions or if you would like to proceed with a free, no-obligation quote, call or text us today at (231) 638-3724. You can also visit our Contact Us page to submit a request for a quote.

© Accurate Painting, 2024